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Azure Functions Hosting Options and Best Practices

The process for creating Azure Functions is straightforward on the Azure Portal. The only confusing option you have to consider during the function creation is which hosting model to choose from the available choices. There are four different hosting plans to choose from, where you will also be able to determine which OS to host your functions. In this blog post, I’ll have a review of different choices and what suits you best. This is what you will see on…

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Azure Functions, Serverless architecture in action

One of the most popular Azure features is Azure App Services and the Platform as a Service (PaaS) architecture approach. It merely removes the overhead of setting up additional infrastructure, speeds up to get apps up and running and is an economical solution for hosting user faced web apps or API solutions for the web or mobile apps. For the last few years, App Services has played a significant role in the architecture and services I design for the customers.…

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