The mindset for start-ups is to keep the costs down and develop fast with quality. Therefore the idea is to have continuous improvement loops and publish the most viable product (MVP) version as soon as possible. Microsoft Azure provides services which are essential to the Software as a Service (SaaS) products. Most importantly and fortunately, most of these services have a free plan to kick start the development project. In this blog post, I’ll have a review of these free…
Azure SaaS platform, an output of exam preparations and experiments
Posted on 02.10.2019The latest Azure certification exams are demanding and need a lot of demos and hands-on training. During the preparations and experiments, an e-commerce Azure Saas Platform was formed unintentionally. Taking Microsoft certification exams has been apart of my professional career since 2007. Certifying myself not only verifies the current level of my knowledge but also makes me study hard for newly available technology. I’m currently on the DevOps journey with the following exams: AZ900 Azure Fundamentals (Done) AZ-103 Azure Administrator…
An Excellent Idea for A START-UP! (PART 2)
Posted on 18.04.2017Recently, I attended a conference at Metropolia University of Applied Science as a co-speaker with my dear friend and workmate Jouko Nyholm. We attended to present about “Enterprise IT and Microsoft Solutions”. Attendees were a group of final year students from the Information Technology and Media engineering course. I spoke about entrepreneurship and during the questions and answer part, a student raised a funny question. The question was “So what is the next good idea to create a new start-up?”. My…
An Excellent Idea For A Start-up! (Part 1)
Posted on 16.08.2016It has been a while since my last blog post, but in IT business a lot happens at beginning of the year which has kept me particularly busy. I would like to dedicate my next two posts to the subject of an “Idea” and the importance of the idea behind start-ups. Whilst acting as an entrepreneur, I have engaged in constructive discussions with young entrepreneurs and some students who are planning their own start-ups. In most cases, I felt that young entrepreneurs do not focus on the idea…